quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2009

Bloqueando SQL Injection com ColdFusion

Bom agora a pouco na lista de CF vi um post da galera falando a respeito de detecção de SQL Injection e resolvi compartilhar um código que fiz a algum tempo e venho usando com sucesso nas aplicações.

Coloque o código abaixo no seu Application.cfm ou Application.cfc e antes de qualquer operação de SQL basta fazer um <cfif Not hasAttack()><cfquery…

  1:  <cffunction name="checkSQLInject" access="private" returntype="string" output="no">
  2:   <cfscript>
  3:    // list of db objects/functions to protect 
  4:    var insSql = 'insert|delete|select|update|create|alter|drop|truncate|grant|revoke|declare|' &
  5:    'exec|backup|restore|sp_|xp_|set|execute|dbcc|deny|union|Cast|Char|Varchar|nChar|nVarchar';
  7:    // Build the regex 
  8:    var regEx='((or)+[[:space:]]*\(*''?[[:print:]]+''?' &
  9:    '([[:space:]]*[\+\-\/\*][[:space:]]*''?' &
 10:    '[[:print:]]+''?)*\)*[[:space:]]*' &
 11:    '(([=><!]{1,2}|(like))[[:space:]]*\(*''?' &
 12:    '[[:print:]]+''?([[:space:]]*[\+\-\/\*]' &
 13:    '[[:space:]]*''?[[:print:]]+''?)*\)*)|((in)' &
 14:    '[[:space:]]*\(+[[:space:]]*''?[[:print:]]+''?' &
 15:    '(\,[[:space:]]*''?[[:print:]]+''?)*\)+)|' &
 16:    '((between)[[:space:]]*\(*[[:space:]]*''?' &
 17:    '[[:print:]]+''?(\,[[:space:]]*''?[[:print:]]+''?)' &
 18:    '*\)*(and)[[:space:]]+\(*[[:space:]]*''?[[:print:]]+''?' &
 19:    '(\,[[:space:]]*''?[[:print:]]+''?)*\)*)|((;)([^a-z>]*)' &
 20:    '(#insSql#)([^a-z]+|$))|(union[^a-z]+(all|select))|(\/\*)|(--$))';
 22:    return regEx;
 23:   </cfscript>
 24:  </cffunction>
 26:  <cffunction name="loadPattern" access="private" returntype="any" output="no">
 27:   <cfscript>
 28:    var reMatcher = "";
 29:    var blacklist = checkSQLInject();
 30:    var rePattern = createObject("java", "java.util.regex.Pattern");
 31:    rePattern = rePattern.compile(blackList);
 32:    return rePattern;
 33:   </cfscript> 
 34:  </cffunction>
 36:  <cffunction name="hasAttack" access="public" returntype="boolean" output="no">
 37:   <cfscript>
 38:    var hackattempt = false;
 39:    var testvar = "";
 40:    var reMatcher = "";
 41:    var CGIvars = "script_name,remote_addr,query_string,path_info,http_referer,http_user_agent,server_name";
 42:    var scoopes = [Url, Form, Cookie, Arguments];
 43:    var i = 1;
 45:    //Make sure the Matcher is available in Application Scope
 46:    if(NOT StructKeyExists(Private, "regExChecker")) {
 47:     Private.regExChecker = loadPattern();
 48:    }
 50:    //load matcher
 51:    reMatcher = Private.regExChecker.matcher("");
 52:    for(i = 1; i LE ArrayLen(scoopes); i++) {
 53:     for(testvar in scoopes[i]) {
 54:      if(reMatcher.reset(lcase(scoopes[i][testvar])).find()) {
 55:       hackAttempt = true;
 56:       break;
 57:      }
 58:     }
 59:     if(hackAttempt) break;
 60:    }
 62:    if(NOT hackAttempt) {
 63:     for(i = 1; i LE ListLen(CGIvars); i=i+1) {
 64:      testvar = ListGetAt(CGIvars, i);
 65:      if(StructKeyExists(CGI, testvar) AND reMatcher.reset(lcase(CGI[testvar])).find()) {
 66:       hackAttempt = true;
 67:       break;
 68:      }
 69:     }
 70:    }
 71:    return hackAttempt;
 72:   </cfscript>
 73:  </cffunction>

Um comentário:

  1. Boa tarde, tentei utilizar este script e apresentou o seguinte erro:
    Invalid CFML construct found on line 47 at column 19.

    ColdFusion was looking at the following text:

    The CFML compiler was processing:

    a script statement beginning with "var" on line 47, column 5.
    a cfscript tag beginning on line 42, column 5.
    a cfscript tag beginning on line 42, column 5.

    The error occurred in C:\xxx\xxxx\Application.cfm: line 47
    45 : var reMatcher = "";
    46 : var CGIvars = "script_name,remote_addr,query_string,path_info,http_referer,http_user_agent,server_name";
    47 : var scoopes = [Url, Form, Cookie, Arguments];
    48 : var i = 1;
    49 :
    você poderia me dar um help?
